Basiert auf dem Carnegie Tech Management Game
»The NYU MANAGEMENT GAME is a complex simulation of business enterprises operating in a competitive industry. It is designed to provide students with a compressed and integrative but realistic…
“The purpose of the game is to design the sales territories for the sales force so as to obtain that distribution of a given number of salesmen by territory which will yield the optimum total sales volume for the entire country” (Davis/Wurth 1965,…
Bankwesen, Top-Management; „Quarterly decisions by the top management of a bank in the amount of callable and non-callable loans to be made, and rediscounted purchase or sale of government bonds and securities, and the amount to be transferred to or…
„"Tightrope" is a simulation based on economicstability and growth in a country. Several small groups of students,acting as Economic Advisory Councils, make fiscal and monetary policydecisions for their country based on their knowledge of…
“This game is intended to teach the student the importance of analyzing the business situation using the theories and techniques learned in the wide variety of courses. This is a very complex and time consuming game to grade, thus only one decision…
“Game is based on military force structure planning within budgetary constraints. The object of the game is to obtain superiority over the opposing team in terms of offensive and defensive force units, the value of which is measured in utiles.…
“Designed to teach a prescribed set of economic principles. This text or workbook is used to supplement a standard economics text. It is an entire course in microeconomics. Involves: Fundamentals of price system, equilibrium of demand, principle of…
“A quality control exercise in which a series of successive problems confront the player. Alternative solutions for each problem result in costs (including dollar measurement of time required to reach a decision) and a probability of incurring a…
“An exercise in the repair parts provisioning process, designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply and test their technical knowledge and management skills in procedures and techniques of provisioning. The game runs through five phases…
“During the game the player makes decisions about: (l) the
number, size, and location of retail outlets for a new product;
(2) the price of the new product; (3) the advertising expenditure; (4) borrowing expansion capital or repaying loans; and (5)…
“The game involves the introduction of a new product. The objective of the game is to select the optimum combination of channels of distribution, price and advertising investment to maximize profit. It also involves elasticity of
demand, variable…
“The game is used to dramatize the importance of sound management of salesmen's time and to show how careful itinerary planning can optimize the pay off of increased sales and higher commissions. This game is self -scored with all necessary forms…