E.T. Book Cart

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E.T. Book Cart


Charles F. Gray and Michael Rideout


Gray Games and AtariAge

Date Issued

December 6, 2006


Book (electronic)


Atari VCS/2600





Bibliographic Citation

E.T. Book Cart. Gray Games. AtariAge, 2006. Atari.


To be determined: Did you get the manual with the E.T. Book Cart? If not, I am sure Albert Yarusso still has the PDF file and can print you off a high res manual. I think if your organization bought the E.T. Book Cart right when it was released and you did not return it to Atari Age, you have a first printing of the cart. This means it has the Zero Page Load Error which means that on 4 switch Atari 2600s it works fine. BUT on the 6 switch Atari 2600s, the screen will roll. Michael Rideout can explain it better. Otherwise you have the second printing. (From personal correspondence with Charles Gray, 5/15/2013)

See also: http://www.2600connection.com/eastereggs/26etbookcart.html

From personal correspondence with Charles Gray, 3/21/2015, below is the complete version history of the E.T. Book Cart:

Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Atari Age

Manufacturer: Atari Age

Label: Regular Label with Atari Age logo

Cart Housing: Clear Transparent

Details: 1 Prototype Made

1st Generation Prototype

Shown at Philly VGXPO 2006

Contents: Basic Aspects of Chapters

No Interview

No E.T.'s Transmission

No Game



Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: World

TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Gray Games

Manufacturer: 8-Bit Classics

Label: Prototype Label

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 5 Prototypes Made

2nd Generation Prototype


The Wisdom of E.T.

1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Secrets of E.T.

No Ode to Howard Scott Warshaw

No E.T.'s Transmission

No Alamogordo Landfill



Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Atari Age

Manufacturer: Atari Age

Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others

Label: Regular Label with Atari Age logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 1st Printing

20 Carts Released

6 Carts Returned


Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Ode to HSW

Secrets of E.T.

E.T.'s Transmission

Alamogordo Landfill

Easter Egg



Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Atari Age

Manufacturer: Atari Age

Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others

Label: Regular Label with Atari Age logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 2nd Printing


Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Ode to HSW

Secrets of E.T.

E.T.'s Transmission

Alamogordo Landfill

Easter Egg



Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: 8-Bit Classics

Manufacturer: 8-Bit Classics

Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others

Label: Regular Label with 8-Bit Classics logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 1st Printing by 8 Bit Classics


Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Ode to HSW

Secrets of E.T.

E.T.'s Transmission

Alamogordo Landfill

Easter Egg



Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Gray Games

Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games

Label: Regular Label with Hozer Video Games logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 1 Prototype Made

Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Ode to HSW

Secrets of E.T.

E.T.'s Transmission

Alamogordo Landfill

Easter Egg



Title: E.T. Book Cart Special Edition

Company: Gray Games

Region: World

TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Hozer Video Games

Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games

Label: Special Edition Label with Hozer Video Games logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 1st Printing

Same Rom as E.T. Book Cart 2nd Generation Prototype


The Wisdom of E.T.

1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Secrets of E.T.

No Ode to Howard Scott Warshaw

No E.T.'s Transmission

No Alamogordo Landfill



Title: E.T. Book Cart Special Edition "Label Misprint"

Company: Gray Games

Region: World

TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Hozer Video Games

Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games

Label: Regular Label with Hozer Video Games logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: Label Misprint. 2 in Existence.

Same Rom as E.T. Book Cart 2nd Generation Prototype


The Wisdom of E.T.

1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Secrets of E.T.

No Ode to Howard Scott Warshaw

No E.T.'s Transmission

No Alamogordo Landfill



Title: E.T. Book Cart "Rom Misprint"

Company: Gray Games

Region: World

TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM)

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Good Deal Games

Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games

Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others

Label: Regular Label with Good Deal Games logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 1st Printing by Good Deal Games

E.T. Book Cart Special Edition Rom accidentally burned to cart order of 15. Same Rom as E.T. Book Cart 2nd Generation Prototype which is the same Rom used in the E.T. Book Cart Special Edition,

Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Secrets of E.T.

No Ode to Howard Scott Warshaw

No E.T.'s Transmission

No Alamogordo Landfill




Title: E.T. Book Cart

Company: Gray Games

Region: North America

TV Format: NTSC

Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S. Rideout

Publisher: Good Deal Games

Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games

Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others

Label: Regular Label with Good Deal Games logo

Cart Housing: Solid Black

Details: 2nd Printing by Good Deal Games


Contents: The Wisdom of E.T.

2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw

Ode to HSW

Secrets of E.T.

E.T.'s Transmission

Alamogordo Landfill

Easter Egg


Table Of Contents

Anyway here are all the releases of the E.T. Book Cart.

E.T. Book Cart
AtariAge, in conjunction with Gray Games, brings you one of the most revolutionary modern technologies—known as the e-book--retrograded for the Atari 2600, simply and concisely known as the E.T. Book Cart. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600—the game that some say brought down an industry—is looked at through various means, and is immortalized even further by a cartridge book focused on the game that helped bring about the video game crash. Use your joystick to choose from the chapters you wish to read or the game you wish to play. Go from page to page with ease as you learn more and more about what the world of E.T. is all about. Table of Contents The Wisdom of E.T. 2nd Interview with HSW Ode to HSW Secrets of E.T. E.T.'s Transmission Alamogordo Landfill Hear the Ancient Wisdom of E.T. through various philosophers both past and present from around the world. Read how Howard Scott Warshaw explains E.T. Pit Theory in the follow-up interview to his infamous 1st interview (featured on BeepBopBoop.com). Read the poem that almost won an E.T. Sweater. E.T. Historian Random Terrain reveals Secrets of the E.T. game and describes how E.T. transcends the Adventure Template. Listen to the actual E.T. signal that E.T. used to call the mothership. Play the highly addictive game Alamogordo Landfill and help send buried E.T. cartridges back to the future to AtariAge Headquarters. What are the secrets of E.T.? And is there really an E.T. Prototype in Paris, France? Includes cartridge and full-color manual. Authors: Charles F. Gray and Michael Rideout Additional Writing: Duane Alan Hahn Number of Players: 1 Controller : Joystick Cartridge Size: 32K Label Design: John Calcano Manual Design: Tony Morse

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: NTSC Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: Atari Age Label: Regular Label Cart Housing: Clear Transparent Details: 1 Prototype Made 1st Generation Prototype Shown at Philly VGXPO 2006 Contents: Basic Aspects of Chapters No Interview No E.T.'s Transmission No Game Status: ATARI AGE RETAINS OWNERSHIP

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM) Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: 8-Bit Classics Label: Prototype Label Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 5 Prototypes Made 2nd Generation Prototype Contents: 1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw No E.T.'s Transmission No Game Status: SOLD OUT

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: NTSC Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: Atari Age Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others Label: Regular Label Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 1st Printing 20 Carts Released 6 Carts Returned "ZERO PAGE LOAD ERROR" Contents: Wisdom of E.T. 2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw Ode to HSW Secrets of E.T. E.T.'s Transmission Alamogordo Landfill Easter Egg Status: ON RECALL

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: NTSC Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: Atari Age Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others Label: Regular Label Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 2nd Printing "ZERO PAGE LOAD ERROR" Corrected Contents: Wisdom of E.T. 2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw Ode to HSW Secrets of E.T. E.T.'s Transmission Alamogordo Landfill Easter Egg Status: DISCONTINUED BY ATARI AGE

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: NTSC Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: 8-Bit Classics Contributing Writers: Charles F. Gray, Duane Alan Hahn, and others Label: Regular Label with 8 Bit Classics logo Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 1st Printing by 8 Bit Classics "ZERO PAGE LOAD ERROR" Corrected Contents: Wisdom of E.T. 2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw Ode to HSW Secrets of E.T. E.T.'s Transmission Alamogordo Landfill Easter Egg Status: DISCONTINUED BY 8-BIT CLASSICS

Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: NTSC Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games Label: Regular Label with Hozer Label Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 1 Prototype Made Contents: Wisdom of E.T. 2nd Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw Ode to HSW Secrets of E.T. E.T.'s Transmission Alamogordo Landfill Easter Egg Status: SOLD OUT

Title: E.T. Book Cart Special Edition
Company: Gray Games Region: North America TV Format: ALL(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM) Programmer: Michael S. Rideout and Charles F. Gray Manufacturer: Hozer Video Games Label: New Hozer Video Games Label Cart Housing: Solid Black Details: 1st Printing Same Rom as E.T. Book Cart 2nd Generation Prototype Contents: 1st Charles F. Gray Interview with Howard Scott Warshaw No E.T.'s Transmission No Game Status: CURRENTLY AVAILABLE AT HOZER VIDEO GAMES


Received from Charles F. Gray directly.


Authors: Charles F. Gray and Michael Rideout

Additional Writing: Duane Alan Hahn

Quoted Authors: Various philosophers and various Atari Age forum members.(see cart for specific details on who wrote what).

Editors: Charles F. Gray and Michael Rideout.

Copy Editor: Albert Yarusso

Label Design: John Calcano

Manual Author: Charles F. Gray

Manual Design: Tony Morse

*Albert Yarusso gave useful input regarding the cart, but it has been so long I can't remember exactly what his input was. Albert would probably remember.


ET Book Cart.jpg
The BIN file of the entire Atari 2600 E.T. Book Cart


Charles F. Gray and Michael Rideout, “E.T. Book Cart,” Learning Games Initiative Research Archive (LGIRA), accessed February 16, 2025, https://www.lgira.mesmernet.org/items/show/1053.


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