Charles Gray Collection
Dublin Core
Charles Gray Collection
Judd Ruggill, Ken McAllister
Collection Items
E.T. Book Cart
To be determined: Did you get the manual with the E.T. Book Cart? If not, I am sure Albert Yarusso still has the PDF file and can print you off a high res manual. I think if your organization bought the E.T. Book Cart right when it was released and…
E.T. Book Cart Special Edition
From a communication with Charles Gray on 3/21/15, below is the complete version of the E.T. Book Cart:
Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games
Region: North America
TV Format: NTSC
Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S.…
Title: E.T. Book Cart
Company: Gray Games
Region: North America
TV Format: NTSC
Programmer: Charles F. Gray and Michael S.…
E.T. Book Cart Text Files
These are the actual text files that comprise the E.T. Book Cart. They were sent to us by Michael Rideout via Charles Gray.
Images from the E.T. Book Cart's 2006 Philly VGXPO
Images from E.T. Book Cart release at 2006 Philly VGXPO. This was the first generation unfinished prototype.
Collection of Photos of Charles F. Gray's Prototypes and Limited Edition Releases
[This complete file is not available to the general public--see below to learn why. The file is located in another non-public record on the LGIRA server. If you would like access to some of its contents, plus contact LGIRA staff.]
A very large…
A very large…
Archive of BIN (ROM) Files for Games Released by Gray Games
Gray Games is in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Retro Videogame Magazine 5
Includes interview with Howard Scott Warshaw (developer of Atari E.T. game) by Charles F. Gray.
File needs to be uploaded to server from Ken's home computer.
File needs to be uploaded to server from Ken's home computer.
Collection Tree
- LGI - University of Arizona
- Charles Gray Collection